lebhaftes Interesse

  • Diese Anfrage richtet sich besonders an Frau Ashton, die im Entwicklungsausschuss am 8. November 2010 lebhaftes Interesse am Thema Biopiraterie gezeigt hat.
  • This question is addressed to Ms Ashton as a result of the keen interest shown in biopiracy by the Committee on Development on 8 November 2010.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Gemeinwirtschaftliches Interesse
Consideration as a public service
Interesse der Gemeinschaftshersteller
Interest of the Community producers
Interesse der Zulieferer
Interest of suppliers
Interesse der Zulieferer
Interest of up-stream suppliers
Interesse der Zulieferer
Interest of upstream suppliers
Interesse verfolgt
interest which
Im Interesse
In the interest of
Interesse Dritter
of third parties