Justin Bieber - Never Say Never

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Dietmar Bieber
Dietmar Bieber
Suu Kyi has never been tried.
Suu Kyi has never been tried.
Say BORY , advisor to former King Sihanouk.
Say BORY , advisor to former King Sihanouk.
I have never been a member of any political party nor have I ever had any active functions with political responsibilities.
I have never been a member of any political party nor have I ever had any active functions with political responsibilities.
Say Bory
Say Bory
The report by an independent fact-finding team into the Munir Said Thalib case, ordered by the Indonesian President, has never been made public and the only person to have been prosecuted in connection with the case, former Garuda co-pilot Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto, had his conviction overturned by the Indonesian Supreme Court in October 2006.
The report by an independent fact-finding team into the Munir Said Thalib case, ordered by the Indonesian President, has never been made public and the only person to have been prosecuted in connection with the case, former Garuda co-pilot Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto, had his conviction overturned by the Indonesian Supreme Court in October 2006.