jail sentence (Nomen)

  • Both author and publisher risk a jail sentence of 7 and a half years.
  • Sowohl dem Schriftsteller als auch dem Herausgeber droht eine Haftstrafe von 7,5 Jahren.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Anton Hulak to 15 days in jail, Ales Milinets, Paval Kamarou to 12 days in jail, and Siarhei Piatrushyn to 11 days in jail.
Am 20. Dezember 2010 verurteilte sie die Aktivisten der Zivilgesellschaft Anton Hulak zu 15 Tagen Haft, Ales Milinez und Pawal Kamarou zu 12 Tagen Haft sowie Sjarhej Piatruschyn zu 11 Tagen Haft.
jail in Tunisia.
in Tunesien inhaftiert.
On the occasion of a re-trial the regional court upheld its former death sentence enhanced by a 10 year ban on teaching, eight years in jail and 74 lashes.
On the occasion of a re-trial the regional court upheld its former death sentence enhanced by a 10 year ban on teaching, eight years in jail and 74 lashes.