It was his only incursion into the arts.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

The incursion of bluetongue into Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands is unprecedented.
Die Einschleppung der Blauzungenkrankheit in Belgien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Luxemburg und den Niederlanden ist beispiellos.
Mr Claeys criticised that Turkey was preparing a major military incursion into Iraq.
Auch die Anzahl der Ehrenmorde sei nach wie vor Anlass zu ernster Besorgnis.
She was beaten, tortured, forced to confess to an alleged plot to mount a terrorist incursion from neighbouring Botswana, and subsequently imprisoned.
She was beaten, tortured, forced to confess to an alleged plot to mount a terrorist incursion from neighbouring Botswana, and subsequently imprisoned.