in the sixth place

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Where this is not the case, or at the request of one-sixth of the members of the committee, the election shall take place by secret ballot.
Andernfalls oder auf Antrag eines Sechstels der Ausschussmitglieder findet sie in geheimer Abstimmung statt.
in section A, the sixth paragraph is deleted;
Abschnitt A Absatz 6 wird gestrichen.
If this is not the case, or at the request of one sixth of the members of the committee, the election shall take place by secret ballot.
Andernfalls oder auf Antrag eines Sechstels der Ausschussmitglieder findet sie in geheimer Abstimmung statt.
It aims at amending the Sixth VAT Directive with regard to the place of supply - and therefore of taxation - of services provided by one taxable legal person to another.
It aims at amending the Sixth VAT Directive with regard to the place of supply - and therefore of taxation - of services provided by one taxable legal person to another.
However, in drafting the Sixth VAT Directive it appeared that a rigid application of this principle to services would give rise to a series of practical problems, which could be circumvented by defining the place of supply as the place of taxation.
However, in drafting the Sixth VAT Directive it appeared that a rigid application of this principle to services would give rise to a series of practical problems, which could be circumvented by defining the place of supply as the place of taxation.
Where this is not the case, or at the request of one sixth of the members of the committee, the election shall take place by secret ballot.
Andernfalls oder auf Antrag eines Sechstels der Ausschussmitglieder findet sie in geheimer Abstimmung statt.
If this is not the case, or at the request of one-sixth of the members of the committee, the election shall take place by secret ballot.
Andernfalls oder auf Antrag eines Sechstels der Ausschussmitglieder findet sie in geheimer Abstimmung statt.
in particular within the Sixth Framework Programme,
, insbesondere im Rahmen des sechsten Rahmenprogramms,
as laid down in the Sixth Framework Programme
, wie sie im Sechsten Rahmenprogramm festgelegt sind