He tried to sound conciliatory.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

He has also tried to simplify a number of formulations and definitions.
Ferner hat er versucht, einige Formulierungen und Begriffsbestimmungen zu vereinfachen.
He tried to travel to France in 2006 to receive a Human Rights prize, but he did not succeed.
He tried to travel to France in 2006 to receive a Human Rights prize, but he did not succeed.
There are concerns that he is being tried without legal representation, and that he will be sentenced to death and executed soon after.
There are concerns that he is being tried without legal representation, and that he will be sentenced to death and executed soon after.
He suffered four months of secret detention and fresh torture and was then tried without due process.
Nach weiteren vier Monaten in geheimer Haft und erneuten Folterungen wurde ihm ohne rechtlichen Schutz der Prozess gemacht.
Following an international outcry he was re-tried and sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Nach heftigen internationalen Protesten wurde er erneut vor Gericht gestellt und zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt.