He has been the talk of the town since he appeared on TV, if not earlier.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Since October 2007 he has appeared in television reports and in Al-Shabaab propaganda videos.
Seit Oktober 2007 war er in Fernsehberichten und in Propagandavideos von Al-Shabaab zu sehen.
He has been in exile in Northern countries since the beginning of 2006.
He has been in exile in Northern countries since the beginning of 2006.
He has been banned from the USA since 1999.
Seit 1999 besteht gegen ihn ein Einreiseverbot in die USA.
He has been held there ever since.
Seitdem wird er dort festgehalten.
or if he has been guilty of serious misconduct
oder eine schwere Verfehlung begangen