have a self-confident manner

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

an autonomously operating system in a self-organised manner without master station.
arbeitet autonom und selbstorganisierend ohne Zentralstation.
More uncertain than self-confident.
Eher verunsichert als selbstbewusst.
They failed because the Crusaders were fighting a self-confident society whose members believed in justice.
They failed because the Crusaders were fighting a self-confident society whose members believed in justice.
The Commission is confident that Russia will proceed with the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in a timely manner.
Die Kommission ist jedoch zuversichtlich, dass Russland das Kyoto-Protokoll rechtzeitig ratifizieren wird.
Is it a self-confident county?
Wie steht es um die Moral des Landes?
I feel more confident
Ich habe mehr Selbstvertrauen gewonnen