hand care

  • Hand care products
  • Handpflegeprodukte

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Hand sieves and hand riddles
Hand and nails care products
Hand- und Nagelpflegeprodukte
Health care provision and integrated care
Gesundheitsversorgung und integrierte Betreuung
In the Slovak Republic on the other hand, family members of EU citizens have to submit a declaration that they will not become burden to the health care and social assistance system.
In the Slovak Republic on the other hand, family members of EU citizens have to submit a declaration that they will not become burden to the health care and social assistance system.
However, he did not receive appropriate medical care and consequently developed an abscess on his left hand.
Dort wurde er jedoch nicht ausreichend behandelt, wodurch sich bei ihm eine Phlegmone in der linken Hand bildete.