go to the happy hunting grounds

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Changsha Happy Go Products Developing Co., Ltd
Changsha Happy Go Products Developing Co., Ltd.
His group were not entirely happy with the balance struck on the REACH chemical proposals - here ecology and economy had to go together, he said.
In der Frage des Irak-Krieges habe Prodi die richtigen Konsequenzen gezogen.
Is the Commission happy to accept this state of affairs?
Nimmt die Kommission diesen Umstand in Kauf?
As far as enforcement is concerned, it is clear that there is a long way to go before illegal hunting and trapping practices are stamped out on Malta.
Was die Vollstreckung anbelangt, so ist klar, dass noch ein langer Weg zu gehen ist, bevor illegale Jagd- und Fangpraktiken in Malta ausgemerzt werden.