Fool for Love

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for External Economic Relations
Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for External Economic Relations
For the European Parliament For the Council
For the European Parliament For the Council
They were asked for detailed catch data for EU fleets for 1998-2003 but only provided partial data for 2001 and 2002.
They were asked for detailed catch data for EU fleets for 1998-2003 but only provided partial data for 2001 and 2002.
Preparatory action for the creation of an Internet-based system for better legislation and for public participation
Preparatory action for the creation of an Internet-based system for better legislation and for public participation
That is why this report calls for attention for access to education for women, sufficient facilities for childcare and a firm anti-discrimination stance.
That is why this report calls for attention for access to education for women, sufficient facilities for childcare and a firm anti-discrimination stance.
For Better or for Worse?
For Better or for Worse?

Fool for Love

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Love may be as important as the air we breathe but talking about love is not always the easiest topic.
Liebe ist so wichtig wie die Luft zum Atmen, und viele Schlagertexte, Romane, Gedichte, Dramen und Filme drehen sich um nichts anderes.