Flirt mit Scotland Yard

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Name Quality Meat Scotland
Name Quality Meat Scotland
5. Scotland,
5. Scotland
- Lowland Scotland Objective 3 Programme
- Lowland Scotland Objective 3 Programme
- Western Scotland Objective 2 Programme
- Western Scotland Objective 2 Programme
Seafood Scotland
Seafood Scotland
Einem Bericht von Scotland Yard zufolge, der von der BBC verbreitet wurde, verschwanden zwischen Juli und September 2001 300 schwarze Jungen aus Londoner Schulen, wobei nur zwei von ihnen ausfindig gemacht werden konnten.
According to a report by Scotland Yard broadcast by the BBC, 300 black African children disappeared from schools in London between July and September 2001, and only 2 of them have been traced.
Scotland, Department of the Registers of Scotland
Scotland, Department of the Registers of Scotland
Scotland, General Register Office
Scotland, General Register Office
Lands Tribunal for Scotland
Lands Tribunal for Scotland
National Galleries of Scotland
National Galleries of Scotland
National Library of Scotland
National Library of Scotland
National Museums of Scotland
National Museums of Scotland
Institute of Bankers in Scotland
Institute of Bankers in Scotland