fiscal sovereignty

  • In an international context, the existence of differing tax legislation is generally accepted as a consequence of fiscal sovereignty.
  • Die sich aus der Steuerhoheit der Staaten ergebenden Unterschiede im Steuerrecht sind im internationalen Kontext allgemein anerkannt.
  • Full respect for the fiscal sovereignty of the Member States
  • Umfassende Wahrung der Steuerhoheit der Mitgliedstaaten
  • Full respect for the principle of fiscal sovereignty of the Member States
  • umfassende Wahrung des Grundsatzes der Steuerhoheit der Mitgliedstaaten

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

This requires elements of shared fiscal sovereignty within the euro area.
This requires elements of shared fiscal sovereignty within the euro area.
It is essential in my view that shared fiscal sovereignty comes along with democratic responsibility through adequate implication of the European Parliament and of national parliaments.
It is essential in my view that shared fiscal sovereignty comes along with democratic responsibility through adequate implication of the European Parliament and of national parliaments.
Specifically, it is only feasible as a consequence of a significant transfer of fiscal sovereignty to the EU level with the aim of achieving genuine economic union in the euro area, commensurate with monetary union.
Specifically, it is only feasible as a consequence of a significant transfer of fiscal sovereignty to the EU level with the aim of achieving genuine economic union in the euro area, commensurate with monetary union.
sovereignty or jurisdiction
der betreffende Mitgliedstaat