Family Business

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Externes Fachpublikum, Business-to-Business.
External technical audience, business-to-business.
In der Praxis bevorzugen Unternehmen Business-to-Business anstelle von Business-to-Consumer.
In practice businesses are in favour more of B2B rather than B2C.
The family of Ahmadjan Madmarov,
The family of Ahmadjan Madmarov,
Third-Country National Family Members..............................................................3
Third-Country National Family Members..............................................................3
Family Members who are Dependants...................................................................6
Family Members who are Dependants...................................................................6
Third-Country National Family Members
Third-Country National Family Members
Family Members who are Dependants
Family Members who are Dependants
The al-Kurd family
The al-Kurd family
The case of the Al-Kurd family
The case of the Al-Kurd family
Department of Social and Family Affairs
Department of Social and Family Affairs
Project Type Family
Project Type Family

family business

business whose owners are all members of the same falimy
  • Points out that running a family is itself a family business and that recognising atypical family work and including it in a social security scheme should be considered;
  • betont, dass eine funktionierende Familie an sich bereits ein Familienunternehmen darstellt und dass die Anerkennung atypischer Familienarbeit und deren Einbeziehung in ein Sozialversicherungssystem erwogen werden sollten;