EN Englisch Wörterbuch 4401 bis 4450
- Yunnan greenfinch
- yellow armadillo
- yachting club
- Yucatan molly
- yachting shoe
- yen to do sth.
- yield of cocoons
- yield to the enemy
- yield up to one's fate
- yield interest
- yellowbar angelfish
- Yale lock
- You don't need to justify yourself
- You must not go there.
- You've a day off.
- Your Appointment will be Yesterday
- You haven't an earthly.
- You're Telling Me!
- you've got to watch her
- You may as well own up.
- You've gotta be kidding!
- you are the doctor
- You have to show your colours.
- you must apologise
- you must apologize
- You can't see any father than the end of your nose.
- You had better go.
- You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
- you were
- young sportspeople
- yellow boletuses
- yield strain
- yarning tool
- young chick
- yield of tobacco