EN Englisch Wörterbuch 3651 bis 3700
- Young Hearts
- you can hear the sound of laughter
- yellow toadflax
- yellow onion
- yeast soup
- you are welcome!
- you're welcome!
- yield of barley
- yaw acceleration
- yaw turn
- yaw rate
- yaw stability
- yawmeter
- yellow finch
- yellow-finch
- yellowfinch
- yellow-billed white-eye
- you're just asking for a clip around the ears
- you're just asking for a clip round the ears
- Yellow Sky
- Yongary, Monster from the Deep
- Yongkari, Monster of the Deep
- yellowhammer bunting
- yellow crocus
- yellow martagon lily
- yellow goldfinch
- yellow-bellied yellow finch
- yellow-bellied yellow-finch
- yellow-bellied yellowfinch