EN Englisch Wörterbuch 1651 bis 1700
- yeast nucleic acid
- yeast fungi
- yeast press
- yeast presses
- yeast press juice
- yeast tester
- yeast testers
- yeast saccharase
- yeasty head
- yeast counting apparatus
- yeast plait
- yeast braid
- yeast plaits
- yeast braids
- youth hostel warden
- You are in my heart!
- Y-branch
- Y-branches
- Y-section
- Y-sections
- You may just keep it .
- You can be assured that your parents have your best interests at heart.
- Yes-relay
- years ago
- yearly season ticket
- yearly season tickets
- year's subscriptions
- yearly statement of account
- year-end dividend
- year-end dividends
- yearly subscription
- yearly subscriptions
- yearly average
- yearly income