EN Englisch Wörterbuch 751 bis 800
- X-ray spectral lines
- X-ray spectra
- X-ray spectrograph
- X-ray spectrography
- X-ray spectroscopic
- X-ray spectrum
- X-ray stereo picture
- X-ray stereo television
- X-ray stereo TV
- X-ray star
- X-ray beam
- X-ray outburst
- X-ray sensitivity
- X-ray monochromator
- X-ray emitters
- X-ray emitter
- X-ray scattering
- X-ray structure
- X-ray structure analysis
- X-ray systems
- X-ray technology
- X-ray tabe
- X-ray tomogram
- X-ray tomography scan
- X-ray topography
- X-ray cone
- X-ray investigation
- X-ray study
- X-ray burn
- X-ray ordinance
- X-ray obscuration
- X-ray intensifying
- X-ray intensifying screen
- X-ray accessories
- x-acto knife
- X the Experiment
- XXX Trek: The Man Eater
- XEjGavlLnpWlk
- X-linked bulbo-spinal atrophy
- X-linked spinal muscular atrophy type 1 , SMAX1
- X-ray tetra