EN Englisch Wörterbuch 31901 bis 31950
- Warsaw-born
- Washington-born
- Winning
- Westermann's snake
- western taipan
- within and without
- within a period of
- within a space of
- within the party
- Walis Island
- Watom Island
- Wetar Island
- Wuvulu Island
- western Mediterranean orchid
- What Just Happened
- What Just Happened_
- woman of intellect
- was interested in
- were interested in
- world philosophy
- Workers' International League , IWL
- web TV
- web-compatible
- within-plate basalt , WPB
- weave a web of intrigue
- wild sneer
- was mistaken
- were mistaken
- Watch Your Stern
- What a Carry On: Watch Your Stern
- what indeed_
- Where's Marlowe_
- Wray's gambusia
- wail of pain
- weekend in January