EN Englisch Wörterbuch 27851 bis 27900
- winky
- Words Worth
- worked example
- woman of eloquence
- willingness to work overtime
- with good cheer
- wood speedwell
- white-tailed rubythroat
- Without You I'm Nothing
- white hare
- western Bonelli's warbler
- woman from Berlin
- woman from Bern
- Warning, Male Sex in Danger
- work-related
- working ...
- war children
- wax coating
- wiggings
- writeable
- writing tape
- with a bounce in one's step
- with a spring in one's step
- work program
- work scheme
- well-swept
- West German know-all
- West German know-it-all
- whole-herd slaughter
- wasp pollination
- worth visiting
- water-repellent agent for concrete
- wire fabric
- without ostentation