EN Englisch Wörterbuch 24651 bis 24700
- What cheek!
- What a dirty trick!
- What rotten luck!
- Waste not, want not
- Will it trouble you if I smoke_
- What's it all about_
- We are working to a very tight schedule.
- Walls have ears.
- Were you a party to this_
- Why not_
- Why do you meet her there, of all places_
- What's up with you_
- What a pantomime!
- What a nerve!
- What's that to me_
- What makes him tick_
- What's new_
- What's the news_
- What's on your mind_
- What's this_
- What racket are you in_
- What's the matter now_
- What's the consensus_
- What are the plans for today_
- What's the pitch_
- What's the trouble_
- What's up with her_
- What possessed you to do that_
- What's gotten into you_
- What does it cost_
- What's the fare_
- What's your main job_
- what's the difference!
- What are you up to_
- What's the use anyhow_
- What is your profession_
- What's to be done with it_
- What's the point of that_
- What is the point of that_
- What is that supposed to achieve_
- What's it going to cost_
- What's all this good for_