EN Englisch Wörterbuch 24051 bis 24100
- We are currently investigating your complaint.
- We stopped once for lunch en route.
- When she is not out and about in the countryside, Yvonne paints in her studio.
- without liability
- with unashamed delight
- without having achieved anything
- without understanding
- with unflinching courage
- without partiality
- We cannot let this go unchallenged.
- with many variations
- with many variants
- without a native land
- We had agreed on more than that.
- with disdain
- wind up sb.
- worthy of improvement
- went gaga
- We can vouch for the authenticity of the document.
- We cannot vouch for the accuracy of this information.
- What have I done to deserve this_
- water)
- warp sb.'s judgement
- worshipfully
- will sb. sth.
- woven} (with
- When will you be available to start the new job_
- went by
- We all are apt to forget that ...
- went yellow
- worship as God
- with a behavioural disorder
- weazenly
- wake up with a hang-over
- with little traffic
- we denied ourselves
- when particular circumstances so require
- want to leave it here
- want to stop at this point
- wound sb.
- when we were courting
- What have you got to lose _
- we become engaged
- we became engaged
- walling up