EN Englisch Wörterbuch 20401 bis 20450
- We didn't have a good view of the stage.
- white exposed concrete
- within the range of vision
- wintergreens
- water tube
- water tubes
- water-tube boiler
- water-tube boilers
- winner's podium
- winner's rostrum
- winner's podiums
- winner's rostrums
- winning run
- will to win
- wayfinding
- wayfinding system
- word puzzle
- word games
- word puzzles
- wafer processing
- wafer processing equipment
- water fascine
- with all this in mind
- What I have in mind is ...
- What's the point anyway_
- white blenny
- Whatever!
- wire sonde
- weekly election poll
- weekly voting poll
- worry line
- worry lines
- with due diligence
- want of due diligence
- welfare recipient
- welfare recipients
- welfare bum
- welfare bums