EN Englisch Wörterbuch 19951 bis 20000
- world petroleum supply
- wall panel abutment
- wrench chain
- wrench chains
- wild silk
- walker rollator
- walker rollators
- web-fed offset
- web offset
- wheelchair users
- wheel brushes
- with a jerk
- withdrawal clause
- withdrawal clauses
- wheelhouses
- working home
- with a tail wind
- with a tailwind
- waste solvent recovery
- waste solvent reclamation
- wine with backbone
- We have been receiving extremely positive feedback from our users.
- ways back
- with fold down back seat
- withdrawal of troops from ...
- wire whisks
- waist anchors
- war plant
- war plants
- wrap-around band
- wrap-around bands
- warning beacons
- weeders
- What relevance does that incident have to yesterday's_
- warranty of quality
- winos
- whisky nose
- whipped cream stabilizer
- Whip it
- weighing machine with vibrating strings
- warm salad
- wound ointment