EN Englisch Wörterbuch 19301 bis 19350
- walking line
- walking lines
- walking machine
- waist slab
- waist slabs
- walking robot
- walking robots
- wheel covers
- watchdog timing
- waterbuttons
- We thought it was the passing whim of a child.
- worldly wisdom
- wisdoms of life
- We haven't heard a peep from him.
- while alive
- while alive he was always ...
- whiteweeds
- welding instructor
- welding instructors
- welding supervisor
- welding supervisors
- welding school
- welding schools
- white glue
- wooden strip
- wood lath
- wood batten
- wooden strips
- wood laths
- wood battens
- work to the limit of one's capacities
- When running at full capacity, the plant will employ 250 people.
- work stage
- work stages
- wire pairs
- wooden open-framed cart
- wooden open-framed carts
- wires with small insulation diameter
- wiring system
- wiring systems
- wiring sections