EN Englisch Wörterbuch 19101 bis 19150
- wine press houses
- winemaking implements
- wear groove
- wear grooves
- working knowledge
- within 6 weeks from the date of knowledge of the misconduct
- What happens afterwards is outside my knowledge.
- wildlife sites in the heartland of Europe
- wet-bottom boiler
- warp knit
- warp knitting
- warp stop motion
- Western yellow pine
- Weymouth pine
- wood turpentine
- with kit and caboodle
- wagon tipper
- wagon tippers
- wagon with tipping bucket
- We would like to be married in a church.
- World Church
- What church do you belong to_
- water treatment facility
- water treatment facilities
- Wailing Wall
- withdrawal of action
- wailers
- We relaxed to the strains of Baroque music.
- with a clarity and precision not previously available
- written university exam
- written university exams
- with blotches and clusters of spots
- wobbulator
- wobbulators
- wobblers
- water clovers
- water clover family
- wire hanger
- wear layers of clothing
- Wop Wops
- willowing machine
- willower