EN Englisch Wörterbuch 18951 bis 19000
- wooden spatula
- wood-splitting maul
- wood maul
- wood-splitting mauls
- wood mauls
- wood stick
- wooden chopstick
- wood sticks
- wooden chopsticks
- wooden wallboard
- wood structures
- wooden chairs
- wood girder
- wood girders
- wooden partition wall
- wooden partition walls
- wood drum
- wood drums
- wood processing
- wood gasifier
- wood gasifiers
- wooden shed
- wooden sheds
- wood panelling
- wooden composite
- wood wasps
- wood wool slab
- wood wool slabs
- woodworms
- wear black armbands as a tribute to their late teammate
- whole tribes of children
- winterfats
- wedge-shaped trousers
- wedge pants
- wet your pants
- work shadowing
- whirlybirds
- with hips swaying
- winter heliotropes
- wild plantains
- work for a pittance
- without a hat
- wild dogs
- winter hydrant
- water adsorbed in primary hydration sites
- Was it really such a good idea for us to come here_
- waiver of immunity
- waive immunity
- weighted index