EN Englisch Wörterbuch 18451 bis 18500
- wifie
- wifey
- wives and girlfriends of an all-male sports team
- woman's work
- women's representative
- women's representatives
- women's development programme
- women's development programmes
- women's shelter
- women's shelters
- womanizers
- womanisers
- women's complaint
- women's physical complaint
- women's magazine
- women's magazines
- wife battering:
- woman's business
- women's affairs
- woman's voice
- women's voices
- woman whisperer
- woman whisperers
- while running off-leash
- wireless headset
- wireless headsets
- What do you do in your free time_
- with joy
- with obvious pleasure
- woman of ill repute
- will for peace
- wet concrete
- woman hairdressers
- within a short period of time
- within the shortest possible time
- water-plantains
- walking catfish