EN Englisch Wörterbuch 12751 bis 12800
- Virgin Machine
- Vanished
- Vanity Fair
- Visitors of the Night
- Vengeance of Pancho Villa
- Vengeance Is Mine: Reinventing 'Man on Fire'
- Voyage to the Moon
- Velvet Fields
- Voyage of Terror
- Vice Squad
- Vanishing Act
- Vermilion Sands
- Vampire Sisters
- Vampire Sisters 2: Bats in the Belly
- Vanity Dies Hard
- Victim Five
- Virtual History: The Secret Plot to Kill Hitler
- Video Madness
- Vietnamese cuisine
- Valentine Pontifex
- Vienna Festival
- Viennese cuisine
- Voyagers!
- valetaille
- very slow diesel boat
- vowel breaking
- vowel fracture
- VIP briefcase
- visit to a disco
- vergences
- violino piccolo