EN Englisch Wörterbuch 9201 bis 9250
- vesical tamponade
- vesical tenesmus
- vesical tumor
- vesical tumors
- vesical varicosis
- vitriol of copper
- visual fixation field
- visual fixation fields
- varometer
- varometers
- vivid flash of lightning
- violent haemorrhage
- virgin soil
- visitor to the stock exchange
- visitors to the stock exchange
- value of stock exchange trading
- volume of securities traded
- vigna beans
- vehicle electrical system
- verge course
- vasculums
- vegetable patty
- viola maker
- viola makers
- violists
- viola players
- vomit bag
- vomit bags
- violation of the secrecy of letters
- vote by post
- vote by mail
- vapour burner