EN Englisch Wörterbuch 49201 bis 49250
- the tendency of companies to migrate abroad
- taken turns
- the initial rolling revision of the document
- the widespread conceit that ...
- turning down
- The tragedy could have been averted if ...
- turn one's back
- turning one's back
- turned one's back
- transact business
- transacting business
- transacted business
- transacts business
- The bid process was processed legally.
- The transaction was processed online.
- That knocked the project on the head.
- the looming challenges
- The next economic crisis is looming on the horizon.
- The exams loom closer with each passing day.
- taking care of
- tutor group
- towards the sternum
- These and others like them are the questions I keep hearing.
- These and others like them are the arguments put forward by the opponents.
- two look-alike cousins
- The houses may look similar in both countries but the motorways are very different.
- the elderly
- That changes everything.
- The moon is changing.
- Things have changed.
- timidest
- That really is annoying!
- That's a real pain!
- Tell her to quit bothering me.
- the casual eye
- the damnedest
- thuggishly
- This gives some idea of how important this city once was.
- the academic world