EN Englisch Wörterbuch 47951 bis 48000
- That's my shtick.
- tutelary authority
- the performance of an act
- the performance of legal transactions
- The government stockpiled vaccines to prepare for a flu epidemic.
- The defendant stated there was no planning or premeditation.
- These difficulties merely strengthened his resolve.
- topping power station
- topping power stations
- topping turbine
- topping turbines
- Today's suggestion
- the rules of protocol
- transverse feed motion
- transporting roller
- transporting rollers
- thrustor
- thrustors
- the committee chairmanship
- take the chair
- the Presocratics
- top comb
- top combs
- Their accomplishments boggle my mind.
- There's a lot to be said for it.
- the technical edge
- tentative agreement
- tentative agreements
- the allegation of serious misconduct
- top student
- top students
- top pupils
- tyre vulcaniser
- tire vulcanizer
- tyre vulcanisers
- tire vulcanizers
- toilet lids
- toilet bowls
- This may tip the scales for most people.
- those born under the sign of Libra
- those born under Libra
- temple juniper
- Tibetan juniper
- turpentine paint
- turpentine paints
- time-delay logistic model
- trend rate of growth
- trend growth rate