EN Englisch Wörterbuch 45051 bis 45100
- tight-head drums
- There is no trace of the missing woman.
- The whiff of danger filled me with excitement.
- track addresses
- trace analysis
- trace analyses
- track counting radiography
- trace chemistry
- trace mineral
- trace minerals
- trace gas
- trace gases
- trace gas spectrometer
- trace gas spectrometers
- track chamber
- track chambers
- trace amount
- trace metal
- trace metals
- trace detection
- trace detectors
- trace substance
- trace substances
- tracer test
- tracer tests
- track rods
- track-rod arm
- track-rod arms
- track-rod end
- track-rod ends
- thrust angle
- thrust angles
- track adjustable rims
- tuck-under
- The public prosecutor brought a charge of murder against him.
- the prosecuting authority
- the abuse of state power
- the country's president
- the country's presidents
- terrorism from above
- Treaties of Rome
- tubular battery
- toothed roll crusher
- toothed roll crushers
- tooth fungi
- the city of Prague