EN Englisch Wörterbuch 42401 bis 42450
- tonsillar abscess
- tonsillar atrophy
- tonsillar lacuna
- tonsillar inflammation
- tonsillopathy
- tonsillar fissure
- tonsillar fissures
- tonsillar crypt
- tonsillar surface
- tonsil operation
- tonsil operations
- tonsillar plug
- tonsillomycosis
- tonsillar calculus
- the shortage of teachers
- There is no shortage of prospective buyers.
- taxicab geometry
- The Manifesto of the Communist Party
- triorchid
- team line-up
- team line-ups
- team captain
- team captains
- team-mates
- team's kitty
- team's kitties
- team game
- team games
- team classifications
- turbofans