EN Englisch Wörterbuch 42251 bis 42300
- the literal interpretation of the Bible
- the interpretation of a poem
- The hotel we stayed in was the pits.
- This rainy weather is the absolute pits.
- tracer shells
- tracer bullets
- tracer ammunition
- tracer composition
- the third book of Moses
- three-position photograph
- There was a flash of lightning.
- tarsal plate
- tarsal tumour
- tarsophyma
- tarsoplasia
- tarsoplasty
- tarsomalacia
- teacher's pets
- timothy grasses
- The school is maxed out with students.
- tilioideae
- traction system
- tallow-drop screw
- tallow-drop screws
- tree iguanas
- thick lips
- title sequence
- These initials are a registered trade mark and are used under licence.
- The service has earned kudos for responding so quickly.
- trailing lobelia
- the nick
- the glasshouse
- the brig
- tape readers
- tape transmitters
- tape punches
- tape-controlled carriage
- tape-operated carriage
- tool wall
- tool walls
- ticket punch