EN Englisch Wörterbuch 41251 bis 41300
- Thai galangal
- The examining magistrate ordered the detainments of the suspects.
- the content of fats in food
- titration standard of a solution
- tables of contents
- take the initiative
- the injection of a local anesthetic
- Their house was furnished by an interior decorator.
- the indoors
- They went indoors.
- They have a flat in the city centre.
- They have an apartment downtown.
- the Florida Keys
- the inside facts
- the dope
- the shakiness of the present regime
- the secret emplacement of missiles on the island
- through instrumentality of sb.
- through the agency of friends
- This is in your own interest.
- the respective interests of the public and of the parties concerned
- The race was postponed in the interest of safety.
- the Internationale
- Third International
- threadnap
- time intervals
- tubus
- the pathetic fallacy
- the wrong route to take
- the wrong routes to take
- The foreign policy is on the wrong track.
- thermos jug
- thermos flasks
- thermos jugs
- thermos bottles
- thermo bottle
- thermo bottles
- The sequestration of the politicians was intended to shield them from the epidemic.
- thermal mat
- thermal mats
- tea spiked with fruit schnapps or rum
- the Happy Hunting Grounds
- tank hunter
- tank destroyers