EN Englisch Wörterbuch 38751 bis 38800
- thorny dragon
- thorny lizard
- tinlet
- tin-openers
- trisomy 21
- tablet coating machine
- tablet coating machines
- the organisers of the fraud schemes
- the US's role as a power broker in the Middle East
- twist adjusting device
- twist adjusting devices
- the drama of the moment
- tumbling bay
- tailgaters
- The lamp-post touching became a compulsion.
- topviews
- top views
- treat sb. like dirt
- turn-tilt-window
- turn and tilt window
- turn-tilt-windows
- turn and tilt windows
- turntable drive unit
- turning operations
- treadle lathe
- turnability
- TV screenplay
- TV script
- turning mandrel
- turning mandrels
- torsional springs
- torsion springs
- turn window
- turn-only window
- turn windows
- turn-only windows
- throttle twist grip
- throttle twist grips
- turning knuckle
- turning knuckles
- three-axle bogie
- turning drive
- turning drives
- tilt and turn window