EN Englisch Wörterbuch 38651 bis 38700
- thick juice sulphitation
- thick-film circuit
- thick-film circuits
- thick-film resistor
- thick-film resistors
- theft of data
- theft by breaking and entering
- theft of objets d'art
- theft by trickery
- theft insurance
- taking up your duties
- tertiary industry
- travel authorization request
- travel authorization requests
- travel authorisation requests
- Technical Order
- this world
- threshold NOT-relay
- the digital natives
- the diktat
- the political diktat of the victorious powers
- the dictates
- the dictates of common sense
- the thing-in-itself
- tuner diode
- trapped plasma avalanche-triggered transit diode
- TRAPATT diode
- thesis advisor
- thesis supervisors
- thesis advisors
- through flight
- through flights
- the directors
- take the most direct route
- taking the most direct route
- They cut across country through the wooded area, making a beeline for their destination, through underbrush and thickets.
- The action of the police has come into question.
- The validity of the PISA study has increasingly been called into question.
- topic of discussion
- talking points
- topics of discussion
- The Most Noble Order of the Thistle
- take disciplinary action against sb.
- The dividend has been declared.
- transfer of entries in the share register