EN Englisch Wörterbuch 72501 bis 72550
- three times weekly
- three times yearly
- tern schooner
- three-masted schooner
- three-pole tent
- tradescantia
- three-master
- three mile zone
- three-mile zone
- The Angel That Troubled Waters and Other Plays
- three months' credit
- three-month loan
- three-engine
- Three-Power Pact
- Three-Way Pact
- Tripartite Treaty
- treaty between three powers
- three-needle sewing machine
- three-nerved sandwort
- three-level laser
- triphase
- three-phase fault
- three-electrode valve
- three-point emergency locking retractor belt
- three-point emergency-locking retractor belt
- three-point thermistor