EN Englisch Wörterbuch 56201 bis 56250
- the Shoshone people
- the Shoshoni
- the Shoshoni people
- the Seminole
- the Seminole people
- the Seneca
- the Seneca people
- the North Sentinel Islanders
- the Sentinelese
- the Sentineli
- the Chasta
- the Chasta people
- the Shasta
- the Shasta people
- the Shasty
- the Shasty people
- the Shawnee
- the Shawnee people
- the Siletz
- the Siletz people
- the Sioux
- the Sioux people
- the Skykomish
- the Skykomish people
- the Snohomish
- the Snohomish people
- the Snoqualmie
- the Snoqualmie people
- the Sokoki
- the Sokoki people
- the Spokan
- the Spokane people
- the Stillaguamish
- the Stillaguamish people
- the Sugeree
- the Sugeree people
- the Suquamish
- the Suquamish people
- the Susquehannock people
- the Swalish
- the Swalish people
- the Swallah
- the Swallah people
- the Swinomish
- the Swinomish people
- the Tarahumara
- the Tarahumara people