EN Englisch Wörterbuch 53451 bis 53500
- tell a tale
- telling a tale
- told a tale
- tell sb. a tale
- The team advances to the second round.
- the changes currently proposed by the planning authorities
- The report also proposes extending the underground line.
- To be nominated for president you need one person to propose you and another to second you.
- The retiring party leader proposed the young party secretary as his successor.
- The law prescribes a prison sentence of at least five years for such an offence.
- The regulations prescribe that all employees must undergo a medical examination.
- they're planning to
- The election is slated for next Monday.
- This 10,000 Euros is ringfenced as the training budget.
- The house is slated for demolition..
- The show is slated for late June.
- The law provides that minors will be treated differently from adults.
- there to be no ...
- There will be no special training period.
- There is no provision for a withdrawal from the membership of the association.
- tread carefully
- The police were careful to leave the room exactly as they found it.
- the baby's first tentative steps
- The driver of the vehicle feigned the robbery or is somehow involved in the offence.
- The meeting has been brought forward from Tuesday to Monday.
- The permit must be produced upon demand.
- taunt sb. with sth.
- They were granted early release after serving three quarters of their prison sentences.
- The document is full of prurient details.
- The death toll is expected to mount to over ...
- the chosen people
- the while
- That's true!
- The undersigned certifies that the aforementioned information is true to the best of his knowledge and belief.
- The documentary tries to be truthful to the events.
- taking notice
- taken notice
- takes notice
- took notice
- tell sb.'s fortune
- the most likely cause
- The most likely outcome will be that ...
- That is more likely.