EN Englisch Wörterbuch 50001 bis 50050
- The latest findings seem to vindicate his claim.
- The events of yesterday vindicated those who supported the idea of a first-past-the-post system.
- The sales figures vindicate our decision.
- turn out to be sth.
- take bribes
- The effect consists in that ...
- The work has been commissioned.
- The publisher has commissioned a Russian translation of the book.
- the best-of-breed
- The strategy could have been better.
- the taxing country
- the country imposing the tax
- taxed object
- The subject that dominated the evening was ...
- The shipment is destined for Bombay.
- There are pockets of the country that suffer from a poor Internet service.
- The different pockets of the city have their individual charms.
- This Agreement shall be governed by Irish law.
- They were governed by considerations of satefy.
- The only thing that is certain is that ...
- The chassis can be populated with up to three hard drives.
- The circuit board is populated with surface mounted components.
- They assailed us with questions.
- the family occupying the car
- The said address was visited.
- turn out for an event
- turn out and vote
- Thousands turned out to watch yesterday's match against Spain.
- trip an electric installation
- trip a switch
- trip the alarm
- The burglars had doped the guard dog.
- The wine was doped.
- To emphasize the subject, place it first in the sentence.
- take sth. with a grain of salt
- the cost amounted to ...
- tot up to sth.
- This is the eighth volume in the series, which totals 21 volumes in all.
- The company incurred losses totalling 3 million dollars.
- The visitors totalled 3,000.
- To whom it may concern
- The law pertains only to people who were born in this country.
- three accidents involving crop dusters