EN Englisch Wörterbuch 46451 bis 46500
- rich ore
- rejuvenation of crystals
- relief intensity
- relict fauna
- residual magma
- rest magma
- residual melt
- retinite
- Rhaetic
- rheomorphism
- rhombododecahedron
- rhyodacite
- rhyolitic
- rhythmite
- ring dike
- ring-fracture intrusion
- ring-shear apparatus
- ripple bedding
- rolling strata
- resistance to scratching
- roll mark
- roll marks
- roemerite
- rosy quartz
- rust-coloured
- rotary-drilling
- red iron ore
- red earth
- ruby copper ore
- red loam
- Rotliegendes
- resting trace
- rapid flowage
- red salt pelite
- rock shovel loader
- rock shovel loaders
- roof limb
- rail-mounted excavator
- rail-mounted dredger
- runite
- rate of sedimentation
- rope roof bolt
- rope bolt
- rope spear
- rope splicing
- rope socket