EN Englisch Wörterbuch 43401 bis 43450
- regurgitate sth.
- run up a flag
- render homage
- rendered homage
- rich in humus
- really mean
- really shabby
- register sb.
- repeat itself unfailingly
- rich in content
- rich in substance
- rapparee
- rich in calories
- richer in calories
- richest in calories
- ready for fight
- rull
- rulling
- rulled
- rexforming
- rocket sb.
- rarely questionable
- rotten at the core
- remain stuck
- remaining stuck
- remained stuck
- ropily
- robe oneself
- robing oneself
- robed oneself
- ring {rang
- rung} the bell
- ringing the bell
- rung the bell