EN Englisch Wörterbuch 42101 bis 42150
- rail schedule
- rail schedules
- rapid access
- rights of access
- rifle bore gun
- rifle bore guns
- RSA certificate
- registration duty
- reed pipes
- root of the tongue
- retention of urine
- right of retention
- right of detention
- retention of the placenta
- ribattuta
- referral back to a committee
- remove after assembly
- riotous assembly
- rear-window brake light
- rear-window brake lights
- range of authority
- requests for service
- reservation of consent
- refugee influx
- reliability tests
- record double-digit growth rates
- ring fence
- radial composite error
- radial tooth-to-tooth composite error
- reversible counters
- retroceding insurer
- retroceding insurers
- road-rail vehicle
- road-rail vehicles
- ratlike hamsters
- rock cotoneaster
- radiator plants
- rheumatism root
- reading for in-between times
- reproducible copies
- retention cyst