EN Englisch Wörterbuch 40951 bis 41000
- recorded history
- redeye flights
- review conference
- roll-bar
- roll-over bars
- roll-bars
- roll cage
- roll cages
- roll-over protection system
- roll-over protective structures
- roll-over protection systems
- roll-over test
- roll-over tests
- roof thrust
- rates of transmission
- real-time monitoring
- referral letter
- referral letters
- remitters
- remittees
- Rubbish of all sorts is washed up on the shore.
- right on the waterfront
- right on the water's edge
- reach dry land
- riparian country
- riparian State
- riparian countries
- riparian States
- riverside property
- riverside properties
- riparian properties
- riverside land
- riverside area
- riverside walk
- riverside walks
- riverside road
- riverside roads
- revetted shoreline
- reconsignment
- reworkings
- radical change
- radical changes
- reinterpretations