EN Englisch Wörterbuch 35451 bis 35500
- roll bite
- rules of thumb
- rising-rate suspension
- reared wildfowl
- reared game birds
- root mean square error
- rms error
- residual-current circuit-breaker
- residual-current protective circuit
- recurrent abortion
- revellers
- rubber bush
- Routine is the biggest enemy of art.
- resentments
- roving box
- rim of wheel
- recommended rim
- riveted rim
- rim width
- rim ring
- rim rings
- rolling mill)
- rock anchor
- rock anchors
- rock painting
- rock paintings
- rock shelters
- Rocky Mountain locust
- Rocky Mountain locusts
- rock madworts
- raimonda
- rock masses
- rock slide
- rock avalanche
- rock fall
- rock interstice
- rock interstices
- rock bracing
- rock faces