EN Englisch Wörterbuch 34901 bis 34950
- risers
- right of visit and search
- right of visitation
- rim hole
- rim holes
- raging thirst
- roller dynamo
- raise the level
- radio altimeters
- real-time operating system
- real-time locating
- real-time working
- real-time mode
- real-time integration
- real-time computer
- real-time computers
- real-time clocks
- right upper corner
- rare gas
- rare gases
- rare gas diode
- rare gas diodes
- rare gas shell
- rare gas shells
- roller harrow
- rolls of honour
- rolls of honor
- rotten egg
- Russian eggs
- roestone
- return on equity
- real owner
- rei vindicatio
- right to property
- relinquishment of ownership