EN Englisch Wörterbuch 47701 bis 47750
- price with cost, insurance, freight and commission included
- price with cost, insurance, freight and interest included
- pride of Barbados
- pyruvate carboxylase
- procaspase
- pearlscale butterflyfish
- Pakistan butterflyfish
- painted reef butterflyfish
- pebbled butterflyfish
- propaganda chief
- process engraving
- progressive hereditary chorea
- percula clown
- pen computer
- penabled computer
- programmable controller
- pyrolithic acid
- Prussic acid
- pupfish
- pane of the roof
- pitch of the roof
- parent organisation
- parent organisations
- prepared roofpaper
- pantiles
- purling joint
- plain half-round eaves gutter
- parapet gutter
- photoelectric lighting controller
- photoelectric lighting controllers
- petrol vapours
- pressure cookers
- preternatural anus
- Payr's clamp
- power-function grid
- presentation protocols
- provide data
- packet sniffer