EN Englisch Wörterbuch 46801 bis 46850
- polyhydruria
- photuria
- processes of elimination
- public committee meeting
- pure trade theory
- pylon station
- pylon stations
- power mirrors
- pylon tank
- public image
- public perception
- poor prospects for the steel industry
- person who opts out
- persons who opt out
- promote artists by exhibition of their works
- phasing out nuclear energy
- phase-out of nuclear power
- passing place
- passing places
- passing track
- passing tracks
- playback station
- playback stations
- plotting camera
- plotting cameras
- probabilistic evaluation
- protuberantia
- protuberantias
- paying off of a creditor
- pay-offices
- pull-out force
- push-out force
- precision screw machine parts
- package for automatic machine
- pour aval
- provision of a guarantee
- party adding its name to a bill
- parties adding their name to a bill